IELTS Vocabulary 21

IELTS Vocabulary 21

IELTS Vocabulary 21

Social Types



The following is a list of colloquial names for various social types, i.e. different kinds of people one meets at parties and elsewhere. Use the most suitable one to complete each description below.



wet blanket – Don Juan – gate-crasher – wallflower – chatterbox – good mixer

gossip – femme fatale – life and soul of the party – social climber

(a) He’s very lively and the centre of any group he’s in. People always have a good time when he’s there. He’s the ………..
(b) She’s so negative and boring. She has a depressing effect on any group of people she’s with. She’s a ………..
(c) She’s confident and interested in other people. She likes to meet different kinds of people. She’s a ………..
(d) He goes to parties and other occasions without an invitation. He just walks in. He’s a ………..
(e) Unfortunately she is not usually asked to dance by anyone. She just stands there hoping. She’s a ………..
(f) He just can’t stop talking, He goes on and on excitedly, about totally unimportant things. He’s a ………..
(g) He loves to discuss and pass on news or rumours about people’s private lives. He’s a ………..
(h) She’s dangerously attractive to men. Half the men she meets fall in love with her. She’s a ………..
(i) He knows he’s attractive to women. They always fall for him. He’s got lots of girl-friends. He’s a ………..
(j) She’s very conscious of her social position and is always trying to improve it by meeting ‘upper-class’ people. She’s a ………..



(a) life and soul of the party b) wet blanket c) good mixer d) gate-crasher

e) wallflower f) chatterbox g) gossip h) fernme fatale i) Don Juan j) social climber

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