IELTS Writing Task 1 > Line Graphs > Adjective + Increase

Line Graphs

Adjective + Increase

Gradual increase

Gradual increase (adjective + noun) = a small, constant increase over a long period.

NOTE: Gradual increase can also take a verb + adverb form.

E.g.. “The share price increased gradually between 1992 and 1994

Marked increase

Marked increase (adjective + noun) = a stronger and more important increase, especially when compared to the previous increases.

NOTE: Marked increase can also take a verb + adverb form.

E.g.. “The share price increased markedly between 1991 and 1992

Moderate increase

Moderate increase (adjective + noun) = a small increase or rise.

NOTE: Moderate increase can also take a verb + adverb form.

E.g.. “The share price increased moderately between 1992 and 1994

Sharp increase

Sharp increase (adjective + noun) = a quick and steep increase or rise.

NOTE: Sharp increase can also take a verb + adverb form.

E.g.. “The share price increased sharply between 1991 and 1992

Significant increase

Significant increase (adjective + noun) = a stronger and more important rise, especially when compared to the previous increases.

NOTE: Significant increase can also take a verb + adverb form.

E.g.. “The share price increased significantly between 1991 and 1992

Slight increase

Slight increase (adjective + noun) = a small increase or rise.

NOTE: Slight increase can also take a verb + adverb form.

E.g.. “The share price increased slightly between 1990 and 1993

Steady increase

Steady increase (adjective + noun) = a consistent increase over a long period.

NOTE: Steady increase can also take a verb + adverb form.

E.g.. “The share price increased steadily between 1990 and 1993

Steep increase

Steep increase (adjective + noun) = a quick and sharp increase or rise.

NOTE: Steep increase can also take a verb + adverb form.

E.g.. “The share price increased steeply between 1991 and 1992


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