Present tense

Present tense
• The present tense form is used to express a general truth or fact.
The present tense`s form is
Subject + verb + (object) + (every +Time)
EX: He does his homework every night.
• The action often occurs regularly or habitually. Generally the present tense verb conveys a sense of permanence.
1. John walks to school every day.
2. Four times a year, the department heads attend a conference.
• The present tense is also used for direct commands, requests, and suggestions.
1. Go get the keys.
2. Try swim with your eyes open.
Notes for present tense
Note1. Frequency adverbs are used with present Tense. frequency adverbs are:
Frequently, Usually, sometimes, generally, always, occasionally, often, never, seldom, rarely.
1-a. Notice the placement in following examples. The adverbs are usually before the “ACTION” verb but after the “BE” verb.
1. students often have difficulty deciding on a major.
2. many of the club members are seldom at the meeting.
Note2. Modals are frequently used in a present tense; that is they are used to express statements of general truth and habitual action.modals are: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, need.
1. one must obey the laws of the country in which he or she reside.
2. people should return things that they borrow.
3. that store may or may not sell stamps; i`m not sure.