IELTS Reading: yes, no, not given

IELTS Reading: yes, no, not given

Read the following passage about ‘uni-tasking’ and ‘multi-tasking’.

The human brain evolved to focus on one thing at a time. This enabled our ancestors to hunt animals, to create tools, and to protect their clan from predators or invading neighbours. In parallel, an attentional filter evolved to help us to stay on task, letting through only information that was important enough to deserve disrupting our train of thought.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the twenty-first century: The plethora of information and the technologies that serve our brain changed the way we use it. Increasingly, we demand that our attentional system try to focus on several things at once. Uni-tasking is getting harder and harder to do. The information age now buries us in data coming at us from every which way. We are bombarded with more information than at any time in history – the equivalent of 175 newspapers a day, five times as much information as we took in thirty years ago.

If we want to be more productive and creative, and to have more energy, the science suggests that we should tame the multi-tasking and immerse ourselves in a single task for sustained periods, say 30 to 50 minutes.

According to the author, are the following statements correct?
Answer YES, NO or NOT GIVEN.

۱) The human brain is set up to perform many tasks at once.
۲) The information age is characterised by our exposure to an abundance of data.
۳) Multi-taking may reduce human performance.

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